You have the option of entering working times in your external calendar (Google, iCloud, Office365,..) and automatically transferring them to eTermin. To do this, synchronization with the external calendar must first be activated under Company > Synchronization.
Then, create a new appointment in your external calendar and enter the placeholder WORKINGSLOT in the subject line.
Let's take May 31st from 07:00 to 13:00 as an example.
Under Company > Working hours > Working hours (specific days) we now find the created working time from the external calendar for the selected eTermin calendar (which is synchronized with the external calendar) for May 31st 2022 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. for all services.
Working hours related to a specific service
If you want to limit the working time to a certain service, add a comma with the ServiceID to the placeholder WORKINGSLOT.
The ServiceIDs of your services can be found under Company > Services in the "ID" column:
As an example, we take the service "Service C" with the ServiceID 348463.
We open a new appointment in the external calendar on June 1st with the time 07:00 to 08:00 and enter the following in the subject without spaces: WORKINGSLOT,348463
To release working time for multiple services, separate the service IDs using the vertical bar: WORKINGSLOT,344227|123456
Under Company > Working hours > Working hours (specific days) we now find the created working hours for the selected eTermin calendar (which is synchronized with the external calendar), from the external calendar for June 1st, 2022 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and restricted to Service C.
All information about working times can also be found here.
For help on synchronizing with Outlook, please click here.
For help on syncing with Google, please click here.
For help on syncing with Apple iCloud, please click here.
For help synchronizing with Exchange Server, please click here.
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
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