To prepare the booking links for each landing page, you can modify the booking page URL with parameters. Many parameters can even be combined.
Most parameters that require either a calendar or service ID can also contain multiple values. You can separate them with a comma (,). (e.g. /serviceid/123456.456789)
Note: You can also pass parameters from eTermin to an external site. You can find out how this works here.
The following parameters are set after a / behind the booking page. There can only ever be one parameter of this type:
/serviceid/SERVICEIDS | Preselects services and jumps directly to the appointment selection (Page 2) |
/calserviceid/KALENDERID/SERVICEIDS | Preselects services and a calendar and jumps directly to the appointment selection (page 2) |
/serviceidpresel/SERVICEIDS | Preselects services, but stays on page 1 so that there are further selection options |
/serviceidlimitto/SERVICEIDS | Limits the selection on page 1 to the specified services |
The following parameters are placed behind the booking link, or behind the first parameter from the list above. The first parameter starts with a ?, all other parameters are linked with an &.
Parameters related to the services:
servicegroupid | Refers directly to the service groups listed here |
servicegroupidshide | Hides a service group even though it would be dynamically revealed |
servicegroupidhide | Hides a service group unless it's dynamically revealed |
sgshow | Shows a service group that is otherwise shown dynamically |
enableall=1 | Shows all deactivated services or service groups |
serviceidpresel | Preselects one or more services (serviceidpresel=SERVICEID) |
duration | Overwrites the duration of the services with the provided value (duration=120) |
serviceidonly | Only shows the provided services and hides all others. |
siddynshow | A service can be preselected here if dynamic fields need to be shown |
hidenonpreselsamesg=1 | Hides all services that have not been preselected but are in the same service group. |
collapse | 0 = shows all collapsible categories expanded, 1 = shows all collapsible categories unexpanded |
nosgdyn=1 | Disables the dynamics in the service groups, making all service groups directly visible |
showallservicegroups=1 | Requires a direct reference to a service group. All service groups are then displayed directly |
servicecapacity | Sets each capacity with the passed value (number) |
Parameters related to the calendars:
calendarid | Defines the calendar to be booked (calendarid=CALENDARID) |
calendaridpresel | Restricts the employee selection to calendars (calendaridpresel=CALENDARID) |
calendarselection=0 | 0 = disables employee selection on page 2 |
startday=YYYY-MM-DD | Determines on which day the calendar should start |
endday=YYYY-MM-DD | Determines on which day the calendar should end |
Parameters related to the design:
showheader | 0 = hides the booking page header, 1 = shows the header |
showfooter=0 | Hides the booking page footer |
showpopup | 0 = disables the popup when opening the booking page, 1 = enables the popup |
showsummary=0 | Hides the appointment summary |
showvoucher | 0 = disables the voucher field, 1 = shows the voucher field |
showprice=0 | Hides the prices of all services |
rating | 0 = hides the ratings, 1 = shows the ratings (it is about ratings that have already been received) |
lang | Determines in which language the booking page is displayed (lang=COUNTRYCODE) |
hideinfotext=1 | Hides the info text below the header on all pages. |
terminfinder=1 | Hides the header and footer completely. |
search |
0 = hides the search field for services; 1 = shows the field
ratingonly=1 |
Access the link to the reviews
cssurl |
URL leading to a CSS file that is additionally loaded for the booking page
Parameters related to functionality:
voucherid | Fills the voucher field with the voucher, the voucher field is then hidden (voucherid=GUTSCHEINCODE) |
userid | Refers to a contact with this UserID, so that the contact no longer has to enter their data at the end of the booking page. |
signup=1 | Goes directly to the contact details page to request the login |
newsletter=1 | Requires the parameter signup=1, only asks for the email address for the newsletter |
cmdtext | Requires the parameter signup=1, defines the text of the button in the bottom right corner |
showuserqueries=1 | Requires the parameter signup=1, also asks for the second block of contact information (terms and conditions, data protection, etc.) |
appid=general | Can be placed behind the FEEDBACKLINK. The rating is then always anonymous. |
noinitscroll=1 | Prevents eTermin from scrolling to a jump mark the first time the page is called up. |
Sendemail | 0 = no confirmation email is sent to the appointment booker, 1 = the confirmation email is sent |
ssr | Determines how many services must be selected. Values go from 1 to 3 |
source | Passes a tracking parameter in the confirmation email to the provider |
reg_source | Passes a tracking parameter in the confirmation email to the provider and fills this value in the Additional5 field |
You can also specify contact data fields via parameters, so that the customer receives an individual link, for example, where all fields are already filled out on page 3 and only "Book appointment" has to be clicked. To transfer these parameters, you can simply use the internal field designation, which you can find in the menu item "Booking page > Contact data fields".
If the passed parameter should be unchangeable (write-protected), you can put a ro after the internal field name. For example, ?firstnamero=Daniel
In this case I would not be able to change my first name once I enter the booking page with this parameter.
The further information for the parameters will follow in the course of time ...
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