eTermin has the function of one-off meeting, with which you can create special appointments that can only be booked by opening a specific link. This allows you, for example, to make an individual appointment proposal to a specific customer that only the customer can see and book via the link.
To create such a one-off meeting, go to Company > Working hours > Specific days/one-off appointment in the eTermin account. Click here on "New working hours". Specify when the desired appointment should be bookable. In our example we choose May 26th 2022 from 1pm to 2pm.
One-off meetings can only be used for a single, specific service. Therefore, activate the "Restrict to the following services" function and tick the desired service. In our case, the customer can only book "Service A". Make sure that the specified period corresponds at least to the duration of the selected service.
Finally, activate the option "One-Off meeting working time" and save the settings. If this function is active, a field with the automatically created link appears below. If you call up this link after saving in your web browser, the selected service is preselected and only the created period can be booked.
Here is a comparison of how the features of the certain days and the one-off meetings appear on the booking page and how they differ.
Working hours for certain days
If you create working times for certain days, these times can be called up at any time. In our example, Calendar A does not offer any appointments on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. If a working time is now created for May 26, 2022, this day can now be booked in addition to the remaining weekdays. Here it is also possible to limit the working hours to several services.
One-Off Meetings
If Calendar A now only wants to offer an appointment on May 26, 2022 for service C for specific customers, the function “one-time appointment via link” can be activated here.
All other customers can still only book on Mondays and Tuesdays. Customers who receive the link for the One-Off meetings can only select May 26, 2022.
Should you have any questions feel free to contact us.
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