If you offer appointments at your customers' homes, you have the option of setting the maximum time for travel. If a location is too far away, no appointment can be booked. It is also not possible to book an appointment if the total travel time and duration of the booked service exceed your set working hours.
To do this, first create a new category of the Other location type under Company > Services. Here your customer enters the address that is used to calculate the travel time
.Activate the travel time calculation under Booking page > Settings > Advanced settings. The option is called “Calculating travel times between appointments”.
Enter your desired maximum travel time under " Maximum travel time (in minutes) between appointments". If you enter the value -1 here, the travel time is unlimited.
Important: Please note that the travel time is only taken into account between two appointments. If you would like the travel time to be taken into account at the beginning of the day from your starting point, you must create a manual appointment outside of working hours with your starting address.
You can find out how to create an appointment manually here.
The option "Additional travel time (in minutes)" serves as a buffer. Enter a fixed number of minutes here, which will be added to the calculated travel time. When using the travel time calculation, the pre processing time function cannot be used for services. Therefore, use the additional travel time option to add time before an appointment.
By activating the “Show distance (in KM)” option, the distance will be displayed in step 2 of booking an appointment in the calendar selection. (Booking page > Settings > General > "Selection of employees, resources or locations when selecting appointments")
Should you use several calendars within your account, make sure to specify company data for each calendar. (Company > Calendar > General > "Specify differing company data")
Under "Transport mode" you indicate which means of transport you use to get to your customers. The travel time is calculated based on this selection.
With the option "Calculate and show driving costs" you determine whether you want to charge for the journey to the customer. If you enter the cost per kilometer, then this value is multiplied by the kilometers to be driven. You can also determine whether the costs only apply after a certain number of kilometers. The cost of the trip will then be displayed to your customers before the appointment is booked.
If there is a large number of queries (travel time calculation, completion of location information), it is necessary for licensing reasons to use your own API Google Key. You can create this at https://console.developers.google.com/ and enter it under Booking page > Settings > Advanced settings. Otherwise just leave the field blank.
Should you have any further questions or need help with the setup, feel free to contact us.
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