You can also send a QR code with every appointment confirmation. To do this, proceed as follows:
Under Company > Settings > E-mail / SMS templates select the entry "E-mail appointment confirmation text (online appointment booking)".
For example, insert the following code so that a QR code appears in the confirmation email:
<img style="border: none" src="QRCODE">
You can use the following QR code placeholders:
QRCODE: Contains the ID of the appointment
QRCODEREF: Contains the booking reference of the appointment
QRCODEVCARD: Contains the data (first name, last name, e-mail address etc.) of the appointment booker as a VCARD file
QRCODEAPPINFO: Contains a link to view the details of an appointment (first name, last name, number of participants) This QR code can for example be used for admission controls..
When scanning this QR code, an appointment attribute can also be set. You can find the setting for this in the Appointment calendar menu item by clicking on the Settings > Appointment editor button. The fifth entry must be used for this. After activation, this attribute is displayed for each appointment in both the appointment calendar view and the dashboard.
QRCODEDOC: Enthält die Personendaten und das Terminattribut (z.B. für ein Testergebnis)
CWAQRCODEREG: Contains the data (first name, last name, e-mail address etc.) of the appointment booker, which can be displayed in the Corona Warn App (CWA) together with the test result. More information can be found here.
BARCODE128: Contains the ID of the appointment as a barcode
BARCODEREF128: Contains the booking reference of the appointment as a barcode
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